About LeiLanD
LeiLanD was developed thanks to the support of the Center for Digital Scholarship (Kristina Hettne, Peter Verhaar),
CLARIAH (Sjef Barbiers, Gijsbert Rutten), Leiden University Centre of Linguistics - LUCL (Rob Goedemans, information manager for the Faculty of Humanities) and
Leiden University Centre of Digital Humanities (Sjef Barbiers, Jelena Prokic).
The project was made possible by a grant from LUCL awarded to Felix Ameka, Nivja de Jong and M. Carmen Parafita Couto and it is coordinated by Sara Petrollino. Since 2017 many student assistants at Leiden University have contributed to different stages of its development:
- The creation of the first overview of all existing datasets at LUCL by means of interviews with LUCL researchers (Suze Geuke, Oscar Billing, Ali Mohammadi, Gisella Soler Bertolin, Marta Królikowska, Monica Preller).
- The creation of a structured database with controlled vocabularies and defined fields (Suze Geuke, Oscar Billing).
- The digitization of analogue material and the archival of researchers’ datasets in Dataverse (Suze Geuke, Gilles Scheifer, Claudia Berruti, Ali Mohammadi, Ginger Haasbroek, Arende de Wit, Clemens Mayer).
- The data normalization and mapping with CMDI, in collaboration with Henk van Heuvel and Eric Sanders from Radboud University (Gilles Scheifer).
- The creation of the first LeiLanD web-interface in Java (Thijs Nulle).
- Python / Django port of Java implementation (Chris Handy) – current version.
The codebase for LeiLanD is available on GitHub.
Click here for a description of the categories used in LeiLanD and their corresponding
categories in the CMDI profile.